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Cha-yi ;DD
I'm Cha-yi! Speech lover, Creative thinker, Blogger, Computer :D I'm outspoken. I'm usually bullied in school :(

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♥Hey! That's wrong Grammar #2
♥Saturday, August 22, 2009♥
It's time for, Hey! That's wrong Grammar #2!!!

Ok, this is obviously in Kamagong... This was really a stolen shot, I know what you are all thinking, that it's 0% discount... It's supposed to be 30%... That's not the point... The error of this picture is Preposition... "OF" should be "ON"

The whole thing is non-parallel. All the adjectives are in comparative form except one... Guess which one ;)

!!!Scroll Down!!!


The answer is "manageable"
To make it comparative, it should be "more manageable" because there is no such word as "manageabler"

...more posts to come...


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♥How to act in a party inside a house
♥Sunday, August 9, 2009♥

Ok, before I start stating these... I just want to tell you I came up with this idea. I was in a party and there were like these people who behaves so at home. This made me horrible so I left early.

1) Do come on time!

--It would be great if you came on the time stated on the invitation. If for some reasons, the party host did not place the time, don't hesitate to ask. This shows that you have respect for everybody's time. Besides, would you still go to a party that was almost going to end?

2) Don't be a show-off!

--Ok, so this may be applicable in some parties but as much as possible... Don't! Especially since it's not your party! You are getting all the attention... What about the birthday girl?

3) Respect!

--Once you come in, do remind yourself that it is not your house. Remember, the party was just held in the house. You can feel at home if the host wants you to but don't feel it as if you live there. Also, try to appreciate everything in the party. If you don't like the food, try tasting it before judging it, most of the time, the host serves food anybody likes. One more thing, respect the other people in the house.


Do come only when you are invited. If the host provides an invitation for you, then congratulations! You are invited! If not, then don't go. Don't think that because one of your closest friends are invited that you are also invited.

These are very simple and the use of common sense but some people don't use them anymore.Photobucket

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♥Hey! That's gramatically wrong! #1
♥Saturday, August 1, 2009♥

This says "Beware of crabs, You might Hurt. Please ask for assistance"
The mistake is "You might Hurt". This is wrong because it's like saying YOU might hurt the crabs instead of the real point "You might get hurt"

Ok, I can't come up with a witty remark on this error.
This says "Thank's you Ride Again"
The mistake is "Thank's"
This is like saying that there's an actual person named Thank.

These are real! No edits or anything... Whenever my parents and I go around anywhere, I notice some signs that are not correct. Of course I ask my dad if it is really wrong or not. I mean come on! I'm still a student who makes mistakes :)

More of these whenever!


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♥The Commonwealth Institute is back on Business
Ok, I didn't really post in my blog when the building this IELTS Review Center is occupying is on fire. Well now it's really back! There's electricity and actually, there was no damage... at all! So to know more about our IELTS Review center, just go to this site http://www.tcienglish.com

More posts!!!

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