use your hat!♥

Cha-yi ;DD
I'm Cha-yi! Speech lover, Creative thinker, Blogger, Computer :D I'm outspoken. I'm usually bullied in school :(

underline italic bold
scream out loud♥

gone with the wind♥

May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
gotta get bigger♥
Personal - Top Blogs Philippines
must visit♥

My other sites


take a bow♥


♥Thursday, December 31, 2009♥
Happy New Year everyone! As my New Year present, I moved to a promised hosted site! Here it is!


Well... Bye Blogger!!!

(back to the top.)

♥Christmas Eve!
♥Thursday, December 24, 2009♥
Hey Readers! Oh My gosh! Later, is already Christmas... Near Christmas is a New Year. Therefore, I greet you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I already opened my gifts last Monday, in school. We had this Kris Kringle, my wishlist was of course, a Selena Gomez Album. One of my closest friends got me for Kris Kringle. I was so euphoric when I she gave the Album, I couldn't speak. Another great gift was my "Computer Expert" button. It's not much for anyone but it means a lot to me =)) . Anyway, updates? Ummm, I have had a lot of online requests, mostly layout coding. Demi Day Site got deleted. I don't really know how. Then I applied for Only Demi and I got accepted. The person I talked a lot to so far during the Break is Gheline, [i'm just saying :D] ... I also created a Selena Mobile Group. So far, only Globe and Sun Cellular is available. There's no smart yet. The Sun Cell is care of Anthonette from SGPH. Obviously, there's no set of officers yet. When it does, I want it to have a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a GM Moderator, a Blogger [for the blog in the webs site] and a Game Moderator. Maybe I'll elaborate those in the site. I don't have a specific explanation for those yet, but I have the concept. The hosting? I don't really know, there is no reply yet. I sure can't wait for it! Hopefully, that I can fix it before classes start again... [boo hoo!] Anyway, I got nothing else to say... So,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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♥Merry Christmas!
♥Saturday, December 19, 2009♥
Exams are finally over! Our vacation will start on Tuesday which drags things down. I'm planning on my own website, you know as in with ".com". So yeah, I'm still learning about AdSense before I apply for a domain. I don't really know why I am doing that but what can I do? Do you feel the Christmas Spirit? Call me Scrooge but I don't feel it. I don't even want it to happen. I want this Christmas to be meaningful starting with the reason which is to Celebrate Jesus' birth, not worry about what the others will get for you this Christmas. Anyway, I've been doing some requests since this morning and I will be charging next year. My dad promised me that everything I really want will be fixed. It sort of like a "Christmas Gift" for me. Why me? Because I'll be paying for it myself. That's another reason I am charging to the ones who will order for me. The name will be a surprise...

Check out the Demi Lovato fansite! Demi Day Site

Well I gotta get through some more FREE (not for long) requests.

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